An Optimization Framework for Silicon Photonic Evanescent-Field Biosensors Using Sub-Wavelength Gratings
Lauren S. Puumala, Samantha M. Grist, Kithmin Wickremasinghe, Mohammed A. Al-Qadasi, Sheri Jahan Chowdhury, Yifei Liu, Matthew Mitchell, Lukas Chrostowski, Sudip Shekhar,and Karen C. Cheung
Silicon photonic (SiP) evanescent-field biosensors aim to combine the information-rich readouts offered by lab-scale diagnostics, at a significantly lower cost, and with the portability and rapid time to result offered by paper-based assays. While SiP biosensors fabricated with conventional strip waveguides can offer good sensitivity for label-free detection in some applications, there is still opportunity for improvement. Efforts have been made to design higher-sensitivity SiP sensors with alternative waveguide geometries, including sub-wavelength gratings (SWGs). However, SWG-based devices are fragile and prone to damage, limiting their suitability for scalable and portable sensing. Here, we investigate SiP microring resonator sensors designed with SWG waveguides that contain a “fishbone” and highlight the improved robustness offered by this design. We present a framework for optimizing fishbone-style SWG waveguide geometries based on numerical simulations, then experimentally measure the performance of ring resonator sensors fabricated with the optimized waveguides, targeting operation in the O-band and C-band. For the O-band and C-band devices, we report bulk sensitivities up to 349 nm/RIU and 438 nm/RIU, respectively, and intrinsic limits of detection as low as 5.1 × 10−4 RIU and 7.1 × 10−4 RIU, respectively. This performance is comparable to the state of the art in SWG-based sensors, positioning fishbone SWG resonators as an attractive, more robust, alternative to conventional SWG designs.
Keywords: silicon photonics, evanescent field biosensor, SOI biosensor, ring resonator, fishbone sub-wavelength grating waveguide, sub-wavelength grating waveguide, SWG-assist waveguide, bridged SWG waveguide, microfluidics
We kindly thank the researchers at biosensors for this collaboration, and for sharing the results obtained with their system.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of scalable, rapid, portable, and cost-effective medical diagnostics in public safety and informed decision making [1,2]. Currently, gold-standard medical diagnostics rely on lab-based tests, which are performed in centralized settings and suffer from high costs, long analysis times, the requirement for highly trained operators, and complex logistics regarding sample transport and information management [3]. Portable, low-cost, and easy-to-use diagnostic tools, such as paper-based assays, allow for rapid and accessible testing in decentralized settings. However, they offer less information-rich readouts and often suffer from poorer sensitivity and accuracy compared with lab-based techniques [4]. Silicon photonic (SiP) biosensors offer the potential to bridge the gap between these two classes of diagnostic systems.
By leveraging highly scalable complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication processes, SiP chips can be produced in high volumes at low cost [5,6,7,8]. Their scalability, affordability, rapid readout, and millimeter-scale form factor, makes SiP sensors amenable to testing in point-of-care (POC) settings. In addition to managing infectious diseases, rapid POC testing is valuable for the diagnosis of conditions such as stroke and sepsis, where rapid confirmation of clinical findings is critical for timely and effective treatment decision-making [9,10,11]. POC tests can also improve access to diagnostics in remote and resource-limited communities. Dozens of sensors can be fabricated on a single SiP chip, which, when combined with spatially controlled functionalization, can facilitate high-throughput multiplexed diagnostic testing [12]. This opens opportunities for more selective and information-rich diagnosis of conditions that are challenging to identify based on a single biomarker alone [9,13]. Extremely sensitive biomarker detection down to the pg/mL scale has been demonstrated on SiP platforms based on well-established strip waveguides (Figure 1c) [14,15]. However, these exceptionally low-limit of detection demonstrations have used sandwich assay formats in which the final detected signal originated from a detection antibody [16] or subsequent amplification step [14,15], rather than from the analyte itself. Label-based strategies such as these offer slower detection and require more complex assay operation than label-free formats. While label-free detection has been demonstrated with SiP platforms [17,18] and is more suitable for POC applications due to its simplicity, label-free biosensors based on strip waveguides typically have higher detection limits in the ng/mL range. Many clinical diagnostic assays require lower detection limits [19]. This has motivated the design of SiP sensors, such as microring resonators (MRRs), with improved performance criteria, including refractive index sensitivities.
MRRs use their sensitivity to surface and cladding refractive index changes to detect analytes, such as disease biomarkers, captured on the sensor surface. These MRR structures consist of a waveguide that is looped back on itself in a ring and a straight bus waveguide that couples light into the ring (Figure 1a) [20,21]. The ring and bus waveguides are separated by a defined coupling gap distance, gc, which controls the amount of light coupled into the ring (Figure 1b). Resonance occurs when the optical path length of the ring is equal to an integer multiple of the wavelength of light in the waveguide. These devices support resonances at wavelengths, λres, given by
where neff is the effective refractive index of the waveguide, L is the resonator length (L=2πR) for a circular MRR with radius, (R), and m is an integer number representing the order of interference. A portion of the electric field, called the evanescent field, travels outside of the waveguide and interacts with the surrounding material, or analyte. This creates a thin refractive index-sensitive region that extends up to a few hundred nanometers outside of the waveguide [22]. A change in the refractive index surrounding the resonator, for example due to biomolecule binding, changes the neff, leading to a shift in λres. Several strategies are available for tracking the resonance shifts. A simplistic setup comprises a broadband optical source that provides a continuous spectrum of wavelengths and a spectrum analyzer to measure the magnitude of the transmission versus wavelength [23]. Another approach uses a combination of a tunable laser and a photodetector to scan the input wavelength and read the output intensity, respectively [1,24,25]. However, another compact and cost-effective approach recently proposed by Chrostowski et al. [1] replaces off-chip tunable lasers with a chip-integrated fixed wavelength laser. In-resonator phase shifters [26] are used to tune the resonance, and the transmission is read out using a photodetector.
Three metrics that are particularly valuable for evaluating SiP sensor performance and comparing different resonator architectures are the bulk sensitivity, Sb, quality factor, Q, and intrinsic limit of detection, iLoD [21,27]. The bulk sensitivity is defined as the change in λres for a one unit change in the bulk refractive index [27]:
where ng is the group index and ∂neff/∂nbulk is the index susceptibility and relates to the portion of the optical mode that interacts with the analyte [21]. Experimentally, Sb can be obtained by exposing the sensor to several solutions having different known refractive indices and tracking the corresponding resonance peak shifts. Often, aqueous solutions prepared with different concentrations of salt [19], isopropanol [3], or glycerol [28,29] are used. Sb is then calculated from the slope of the resonance peak shifts plotted against the bulk refractive index.
The quality factor is a dimensionless quantity that represents a photon’s lifetime in the resonator and is the number of oscillations required for the photon’s energy to decay to 1/e [21,22,27]. A high quality factor indicates that light present in the resonator interacts with the analyte for a greater amount of time, and is desirable because it improves the resolution to which the resonance peak shifts can be resolved and reduces the impact of the intensity noise on the resolved shifts [21,22,27,30,31]. The quality factor depends on the total distributed optical losses in the resonator, α (dB/m), and can be calculated according to Equation (3) [27].
For MRRs, light must be coupled out of the resonator to observe a resonance change, which degrades the quality factor. In the critically coupled condition, the quality factor is degraded by half compared with the intrinsic quality factor represented by Equation (3), because the proportion of the power coupled out of the resonator is equal to the round-trip loss, effectively doubling the total lost power with each resonator round trip [21]. As such, the critically coupled quality factor is a more useful metric for MRR sensors. Experimentally, it can be approximated based on the full width at half maximum (FWHM) at resonance (ΔλFWHM) according to Equation (4) [21,22].
Finally, the iLoD is a figure of merit introduced to objectively compare sensors, independent of their experimental setups, functionalization strategies, and assays [21,22,27,32]. Unlike the system limit of detection (sLoD (RIU)) [21] or analyte limits of detection (M or g/mL) [22], it depends only on the intrinsic characteristics of the resonator and represents the minimum refractive index unit change (in RIU) required to shift the resonance wavelength by ΔλFWHM. It is given by Equation (5) [21,22].
Accordingly, Sb and Q should be maximized for optimal sensor performance. Resonators designed with conventional strip waveguides (Figure 1c) operating in the quasi-transverse electric mode (hereafter referred to as the TE mode for brevity) can achieve very low optical losses, and therefore, high quality factors [33]. However, the high index contrast between the silicon waveguide and cladding material (typically aqueous solutions for biosensing applications) results in strong confinement of the electric field in the waveguide core. This results in little overlap between the evanescent field and analyte, limiting Sb [3]. Different waveguide designs have been investigated to achieve higher sensitivities, including thin strip waveguides [34], strip waveguides operating in the quasi-transverse magnetic (TM) mode (hereafter referred to as the TM mode for brevity) [21,35], and slot waveguides [36,37].
Sub-wavelength grating (SWG) waveguides (Figure 1d) are yet another geometry that has demonstrated considerable sensitivity enhancements compared to strip waveguides operating with both TE and TM polarizations [38]. SWGs are periodic structures that consist of silicon blocks, interspaced with a lower refractive index material, such as the cladding material (e.g., air [39], water [6,19,40], or a polymer such as SU8 [41]). SWG structures significantly extend the SiP design space by allowing for the fabrication of metamaterial anisotropic structures using standard single-etch CMOS-compatible techniques [42]. SWGs have been used to create photonic structures with tailored modal confinement, broadband behavior, dispersion control, and polarization management [42,43]. For example, the tailorability of modal confinement in SWGs has allowed for the design of ultralow loss waveguide crossings [41] and efficient couplers to interface on-chip waveguides with off-chip optical fibers [44]. The tailorable modal confinement and diffraction suppression afforded by SWGs have been employed to design ultracompact and broadband Y-branches [45] and adiabatic couplers [46,47]. Further, the controlled dispersion of SWGs has been leveraged to design broadband 2 × 2 interferometric switching cells [43] and broadband directional couplers [48,49]. Finally, SWG structures have been used to design optimized sensing waveguides [42]. These periodic SWG structures behave as waveguides below the Bragg threshold where the grating period, Λ, is less than half the effective wavelength of light in the waveguide (Λ<<λ2neff) [5,38,41,50]. The optical properties (e.g., neff, ng) of the SWG are highly tunable and depend on the waveguide width (w), thickness (t), and duty cycle (δ, the ratio of the silicon block length to the grating period), in addition to the grating period (Figure 1d). Compared with strip waveguides, SWGs can offer reduced electric field confinement in the waveguide core, which increases light interaction with the analyte [6]. As such, MRRs can be fabricated with SWGs for improved bulk refractive index sensitivity Sb. In the literature, many SWG waveguide variants have been used in MRR and racetrack resonator (RTR) sensors, including SWGs that operate in the transverse electric (TE) [19,21,29,39] and transverse magnetic (TM) [51,52] modes, trapezoidal pillar SWGs [53], substrate overetch (SOE) SWGs [6], pedestal SWGs with undercut etching [28], single- and double-slot SWGs [54,55], and multibox SWGs [3].
When used for biosensing applications, a major limitation of these SWG waveguides, which are composed of isolated silicon blocks, is that they are fragile and susceptible to damage during and after manufacturing [1]. In contrast to other SWG devices (e.g., waveguide crossings, Y-branches, adiabatic couplers, and directional couplers) which are often clad with silicon dioxide, an oxide-open etch is typically necessary to expose SWG-based sensors to the analyte solution [56]. This oxide-open etch can cause delamination of the fragile silicon blocks that make up the SWG waveguides from the sensor substrate [1]. The exposed SWG waveguides can also be damaged during surface functionalization processes and binding assays [57,58,59]. This hinders the fabricability and robustness of SWG-based biosensors, complicating their translation to scalable POC sensors. One solution is to add a fishbone to the SWG waveguide (Figure 1e), which turns the waveguide into a single piece of silicon [1,60,61,62]. This lowers the risk of delamination and improves fabricability, while maintaining the sensitivity enhancements offered by the SWG design. As an additional advantage, the fishbone eliminates discontinuities in tapers which convert routing waveguides to the SWG bus region, reducing reflections and optical losses at the taper interface [1]. To our knowledge, only two other works have reported the design and fabrication of sensors based on fishbone SWG structures [1,62]. Bickford et al. [62] designed Mach-Zehnder interferometers based on fishbone SWG waveguides and presented their transmission spectra, but did not quantify device performance in terms of Q, Sb, or iLoD. Chrostowski et al. [1] designed a resonator with integrated photoconductive waveguide heater detectors for operation with a fixed-wavelength laser. A fraction of the resonator consisted of a fishbone SWG waveguide. This device achieved an experimental quality factor of 4.44 × 104 and a simulated bulk sensitivity of 76.0 nm/RIU, yielding an estimated iLoD of 3.77 × 10−4 RIU. No existing works have reported the experimental sensitivity of fishbone SWG sensors. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, no previous works have demonstrated a comprehensive optimization of the fishbone SWG waveguide geometry for sensing in terms of duty cycle, fishbone width, and grating period.
In this work, we present a novel framework for using numerical simulations to optimize fishbone SWG waveguides for high sensitivity MRRs, aiming to achieve comparable sensing performance to previously reported MRRs based on non-fishbone SWG waveguides, but with improved robustness. For the first time, we demonstrate the experimental performance of MRRs entirely fabricated with fishbone SWG waveguides and compare them to boneless SWG MRRs in terms of the key sensor performance metrics Qcrit (hereafter, simply referred to as Q), Sb, and iLoD. While the full function of a biosensor depends on several factors beyond the transducer itself, including the functionalization chemistry and assay design, characterizing the intrinsic resonator performance based on these metrics is essential to drawing fair comparisons to other transducers. In both simulations and experiments, we target sensor operation in the O-band (1260–1360 nm) and C-band (1530–1565 nm). While most SiP applications use C-band light, the O-band offers lower optical losses due to reduced water absorption, which has the potential to enhance sensor performance by improving Q [21]. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of any SWG ring resonators using O-band light for liquid-phase sensing. This is a valuable contribution in the context of POC biosensing, as compact O-band lasers are less expensive and easier to manufacture than C-band ones [1,63], making O-band systems more suitable for affordable and scalable SiP biosensing platforms. Lastly, we compare the performance of our fishbone SWG MRRs to other SWG sensors reported in the literature. This thorough optimization and experimental characterization of fishbone SWG MRRs is an important step toward designing sensitive SiP biosensing platforms that are practical for the POC. In the future, we envision that these sensors can be used for robust biosensing in applications such as the detection of cancer [14,15,16,17,64], inflammation [65], cardiac disorders [66,67], viral infection [68], bacteria [69], and toxins [70,71].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Numerical Models
2.1.1. Index and Bulk Sensitivity Simulations Finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations were performed using FDTD Solutions from Lumerical (Ansys, Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA). In these simulations, one unit cell of a SWG waveguide was modeled with Bloch boundary conditions. The periodicity of SWG waveguides permits the use of band structure simulations for reduced simulation time compared to discrete time domain calculations. This method has been widely used to simulate structures such as photonic crystals [19,72]. In this method, light is injected into the structure over the frequency range of interest and the time-dependent response of the structure is recorded for a range of swept wavevector values [73]. Spectral analysis is performed on this response by searching for local maxima and plotting them in the frequency domain to provide the band structure. Using linear regression to fit the band structure curve, the ratio of the angular velocity to the wavevector is obtained as well as higher order terms. This helps extract the phase and group velocities (vp and vg, respectively) from which the effective and group indices are calculated, according to Equations (6)–(8) [74,75],
where ω is the angular frequency, kx is the wavenumber, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. To set up these simulations, the silicon SWG waveguide was drawn on top of a 2 µm-thick SiO2 buried oxide (BOX) layer with a silicon wafer layer beneath (Figure 2). Water was used as the background (cladding) material. Multi-coefficient material models based on empirical complex refractive index data available from the Lumerical Material Database were used for the simulations [76,77]. The software’s default material model fitting parameters were used for silicon and SiO2. As Lumerical’s default fitting parameters yielded an unsatisfying fit for the complex refractive index of water over the O- to C-band wavelength range (Figure S1a), the fit tolerance for this material was reduced to 1 × 10−6 with the maximum coefficients parameter set to 10 [78]. To better capture the absorption losses of the water cladding, the imaginary weight was increased to 100. This meant that the fitting routine gave 100 times more consideration to the imaginary part of the complex refractive index than the real part; increasing the imaginary weight is recommended when the imaginary refractive index is much smaller than the real refractive index [78]. This produced a model that accurately fit the empirical refractive index data (Figure S1b). Light was set to propagate along the x-axis. The FDTD simulation region enclosed one unit cell of the SWG waveguide in the x-direction and extended 0.75 µm above and below the waveguide in the z-direction and 3 µm on either side of the waveguide in the y-direction. These boundary locations were selected based on convergence testing. Bloch boundary conditions were used for the x boundaries. Perfectly matched layers (PML) were used for the z boundaries and one of the y boundaries to absorb waves propagating outwards and avoid reflections, whereas an anti-symmetric condition was used for the other y boundary to reduce the simulation time. The global mesh accuracy was set to 4 and an override mesh (dx = 0.01 µm, dy = 0.02 µm, dz = 0.02 µm) was included in the FDTD region immediately around the waveguide (dimensions defined by Λ × w × t). A plane wave source was used to inject light into the structure over a frequency range of 120–270 THz (corresponding to a wavelength range of 1111–2500 nm) to cover the O-C band spectra. A band structure analysis group was set up in the FDTD region with ten time monitors randomly distributed in the waveguide.
The effective index and group index versus wavelength were then calculated by sweeping kx across ten evenly spaced values within a specified range. For a given SWG waveguide geometry, this range was defined by firstly running a coarse sweep with a kx range of 0.1–0.5 in order to extract the kx values that corresponded to neff at 1310 nm and 1550 nm according to kx=neffΛ/λ. These values helped define a narrower simulation range with an added buffer of 0.02, which ran with a finer 10-point sweep. 2.1.2. Propagation Loss Simulations A similar band structure FDTD simulation method to that described in Section 2.1.1 was used to estimate the propagation losses of the SWG waveguides [72]. For these simulations, however, a dipole cloud light source was used to inject light into the structure over a 1-THz frequency range about the operating frequency. For operation in the C-band at 1550 nm, a frequency range of 193.05–194.05 THz (corresponding to a wavelength range of 1546–1554 nm) was used, whereas for operation in the O-band at 1310 nm, a frequency range of 228.51–229.51 THz (corresponding to a wavelength range of 1307–1313 nm) was used. A field decay analysis group was added to the simulation, which included two time monitors placed at different points along the waveguide. The field decay along the waveguide, captured by the time monitors, and the group velocity, obtained from the FDTD simulations described in Section 2.1.1, were used to calculate the propagation loss, α (dB/m), according to Equation (9):The effective index and group index versus wavelength were then calculated by sweeping kx across ten evenly spaced values within a specified range. For a given SWG waveguide geometry, this range was defined by firstly running a coarse sweep with a kx range of 0.1–0.5 in order to extract the kx values that corresponded to neff at 1310 nm and 1550 nm according to kx=neffΛ/λ. These values helped define a narrower simulation range with an added buffer of 0.02, which ran with a finer 10-point sweep.
2.1.2. Propagation Loss Simulations A similar band structure FDTD simulation method to that described in Section 2.1.1 was used to estimate the propagation losses of the SWG waveguides [72]. For these simulations, however, a dipole cloud light source was used to inject light into the structure over a 1-THz frequency range about the operating frequency. For operation in the C-band at 1550 nm, a frequency range of 193.05–194.05 THz (corresponding to a wavelength range of 1546–1554 nm) was used, whereas for operation in the O-band at 1310 nm, a frequency range of 228.51–229.51 THz (corresponding to a wavelength range of 1307–1313 nm) was used. A field decay analysis group was added to the simulation, which included two time monitors placed at different points along the waveguide. The field decay along the waveguide, captured by the time monitors, and the group velocity, obtained from the FDTD simulations described in Section 2.1.1, were used to calculate the propagation loss, α (dB/m), according to Equation (9):
where β (Np/s) is the slope of the field decay over time obtained from the simulation (1 Np=20⋅log10(e) dB) [79]. In these loss simulations, the z-span of the FDTD region and override mesh were extended to 3 µm above and below the waveguide. This reduced the risk of losses to the PML boundaries and extended the simulation region into the silicon wafer below the BOX to account for optical losses due to leakage to the substrate. As these simulations were less time-consuming than the sweeps described in Section 2.1.1, the global mesh accuracy was increased to 6 and the override mesh accuracy was increased (dx, dy, dz = 0.01 µm) to improve the simulation accuracy. For each SWG geometry, the loss simulations were performed using the kx value corresponding to the effective index of the structure simulated in Section Design and Optimization of Fishbone SWG Waveguides
In order to optimize fishbone SWG waveguides for sensing applications and compare their performance to conventional boneless SWG waveguides, we performed fully vectorial 3D-FDTD band structure simulations using Bloch boundary conditions, as described in Section 2.1.1. These simulations were used to predict the effective index, neff, and bulk sensitivity, Sb, of SWG waveguides operating with C-band and O-band light in the TE mode. Compared to Sb, surface sensitivity (Ss) is the more important metric for biosensors in the study of target molecule quantification, but it must be defined for a specific molecule of interest, meaning that Sb is a more suitable criterion for the general comparison of sensors when the target is unknown or the sensors are used for different biosensing assays [3,40]. As such, Sb was used in this work to compare sensing architectures. For all simulations, a waveguide width of 500 nm, waveguide thickness of 220 nm, and BOX thickness of 2 µm, were used. The grating period, Λ, was initially fixed at 250 nm. This grating period was selected, as it is below the Bragg threshold (Λ << λ/2neff) for all studied geometries. Further, others [19,39] have studied boneless SWG waveguides with this grating period, providing a valuable benchmark for comparison. The waveguides were optimized by performing simulation sweeps in which the duty cycle, δ, was varied from 0.2 to 0.8 for SWGs with fishbone widths, wfb, of 0, 60, 100, 140, 180, and 220 nm. Simulations performed with water cladding were used to extract neff and the group index, ng, for each waveguide geometry. To extract Sb, band structure simulations were additionally performed using an index-shifted water cladding material to simulate a dilute salt solution. For this index-shifted material, the real part of the refractive index of water was shifted by 0.01 (Δnbulk) at all wavelengths in the water material model; it was assumed that material absorption, and therefore, the imaginary term of the refractive index, remained constant. By simulating neff in both materials to extract Δneff, the susceptibility, ∂neff/∂nbulk, could be estimated as Δneff/Δnbulk. Using this susceptibility alongside the group index, Sb was calculated according to Equation (2).
Figure 3 presents the results of these simulations. Increasing δ and wfb led to an increase in neff for the C-band and O-band structures. This reflects an increase in light confinement as the volume fraction of silicon in the SWG structure increases. This increased light confinement decreases the interaction of light with the bulk material. As seen in Figure 3, this is generally accompanied by a decrease in Sb. However, when neff approaches and falls below ~1.44, which is the refractive index of the BOX, the waveguide no longer effectively guides light, and a considerable decrease in Sb is observed when δ and wfb are decreased further [74]. For the C-band devices, the greatest value of Sb out of all the simulated structures was roughly 470 nm/RIU, whereas that for the O-band devices was roughly 400 nm/RIU. The greater sensitivities of the C-band structures can be attributed to lower mode confinement at longer wavelengths at the defined waveguide geometry of w = 500 nm and t = 220 nm [20].
Figure 3 presents the results of these simulations. Increasing δ and wfb led to an increase in neff for the C-band and O-band structures. This reflects an increase in light confinement as the volume fraction of silicon in the SWG structure increases. This increased light confinement decreases the interaction of light with the bulk material. As seen in Figure 3, this is generally accompanied by a decrease in Sb. However, when neff approaches and falls below ~1.44, which is the refractive index of the BOX, the waveguide no longer effectively guides light, and a considerable decrease in Sb is observed when δ and wfb are decreased further [74]. For the C-band devices, the greatest value of Sb out of all the simulated structures was roughly 470 nm/RIU, whereas that for the O-band devices was roughly 400 nm/RIU. The greater sensitivities of the C-band structures can be attributed to lower mode confinement at longer wavelengths at the defined waveguide geometry of w = 500 nm and t = 220 nm [20].