2nd Summer School on Complex Fluid-Flows in Microfluidics
Francisco J. Galindo-Rosales
The second edition of the “Summer School on ComplexFluid-Flows in Microfluidics” was held at the Faculty ofEngineering of the University of Porto, Portugal fromJuly 9– 13, 2018 sponsored by Anton Paar, Applied Sci-ences, BlackHole Lab, Elveflow, Formulaction, the Por-tuguese Society of Rheology, and Rheinforce (in alpha-betical order). The company Creative CADWorks kindlyprovided microfluidic connectors, chips and molds fab-ricated with its 3Dprinter. This 5-days course (6h/day)intended to provide cutting-edge knowledge on com-plex fluid-flow at microscale to those researchers work-ing on microfluidics, with complex fluids or a combina-tion of both.The first day of the summer school was fully dedicatedto “Complex fluids and Rheometry at Microscale”.Three of the four different approaches to performrheometry of a fluid sample with a characteristic di-mension smaller than 1 mm were covered during thefirst day of the summer school: Manlio Tassieri (Univer-sity of Glasgow, UK) presented the different principlesand applications of passive and active microrheology,Jan Vermant (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) shared his ex-pertise on interfacial rhe o logy, Hubert Ranchon (For-mulaction, France) showed how to perform rheometryon a chip with their Fluidicam Rheo, and finally Francis-co J. Galindo-Rosales (CEFT/FEUP, Portugal) divided histime into two presentations, one focused on the differ-ent approaches for performing extensional rheometryon a chip, and another one focused on how to exploitthe non-linear behavior of complex fluids at microscalefor developing damping composites with optimal per-formance under impact loads.The second day was focused on “Fabrication tech-niques in Microfluidics”. Benjamin Sévénié (BlackHoleLab, France) showed how to fabricate microfluidic chipswithout a clean room, Vânia Silverio (INESC Microsys-tems and nanotechnologies, Portugal) talked aboutfabrication methods for precision microfluidic inter-faces for the development of microchannel integrateddevices, Paulo Freitas (International Iberian Nanotech-nology Laboratory, Portugal) lectured on magneto -phoretic and size based modules for biosensor applica-tions in microfluidics, and finally Paulo Marques (INESCTEC, Portugal) explained how to fabricate OptofluidicDevices by Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing and Ma-chining.