Fig. 6 (a)–(c) Probability density function of velocities of emulsions normalized by the interstitial velocity (a) PDf of the magnitude of velocity (b) PDF of the longitudinal component of velocity (vx) (c) PDF of the transverse velocity, vy. Blue triangles represent the monodisperse emulsions, red squares represent the polydisperse emulsions, and black diamonds represent the tracer particles velocities. (d) Distribution of the deviation of location of first 100 monodisperse droplets from fluid elements for 3 time-stamps, 2 seconds after entering the medium (red), 10 seconds (blue), and by the time either object reaches the end of their path in view (black).
Comparing the PDF of velocities of droplets with a single-phase flow confirms the intermittency in the dynamics of droplets where trapping, re-mobilization, squeezing and bursts through pore throats are common. The dynamics of emulsions in these experiments exhibit unique features reminiscent of transport in a porous medium: (1) emulsions only pass through certain areas and some pores within the medium are never explored by the droplets, as seen in Fig. 5. (2) Trapping and accumulation of emulsions within the porous structure result in changes in the medium permeability, leading to an increase in the viscous forces. The latter effect, only observable in pore-level measurements,9,10,43 can significantly change the flow in neighboring pores and consequently affect the global flow. Despite the finite size of the emulsions, and an expected slower velocities than fluid elements (represented as tracers), we find that the PDF of magnitude of the velocities of emulsions has an average comparable to a single phase flow in agreement with the constant flow driven experiment.
The PDF of velocities of emulsions in the direction of the imposed flow, Fig. 6b, has a positive average, 〈vx〉 = 270 μm s−1, consistent with the direction of flow. The significant negative tail in the polydisperse experiments (Exp2) is due to the tortuous path taken by droplets in this experiment. The PDF of vy of emulsions has a slightly higher probability in the downward (vy < 0) than the upward direction, aligning with the most common paths observed in Fig. 5. The average dynamics of droplets in these experiments (Exp1: monodisperse and Exp2: polydisperse) are independent of the distribution of droplet sizes. The average velocity is dominated by the large number of droplets experiencing slow dynamics. However, the rare events with large velocities and bursts of motion are more probable in the experiments with more variable sizes of emulsions.
Additional insights into the preferential paths of the droplets can be drawn by comparing the trajectory of a droplet with a fluid element as it enters the medium. The path of a droplet is determined by the local stress (proportional to the velocity gradient) on the surface of the droplet, while the path of a fluid element is dictated by the fluid velocities. Hence, the trajectory of an emulsion droplet deviates from a fluid element due to the finite size of a droplet. The departure of the trajectory of a droplet from fluid elements increases with time as shown in Fig. 6d. We quantify the distribution of the deviation between the location of the tracers and the emulsions entering the medium at the same initial position. The locations of the tracers are determined by integrating their trajectory using the flow velocity field (from PIV) and a fourth order Runge–Kutta integration scheme.42 The emulsions closely follow the path taken by a tracer for the first few seconds but the location of the center of the droplet quickly departs from the fluid element. After only 10 seconds the distance between the location of the droplets and fluid elements is distributed evenly across the medium. The distribution of the distances shifts towards larger values and closer to the length of the medium by the time either the emulsion or the fluid element reaches the end of their paths. The distribution is converted into a smooth function using MATLAB Kernel smoothing function estimate for univariate and bivariate data.
Our understanding of emulsion transport in porous media can be further enhanced by quantifying the dependence of the average velocity of the emulsions on the time of travel through the medium, which we refer to as residence time. As shown in Fig. 7, the average velocities of all emulsions that pass through the medium scale with the inverse residence time of the emulsions, 〈v〉 ∼ 1/(resident time). We measure the residence time of each individual emulsion as it traverses the medium. Emulsions that pass through the medium quickly have a short residence time, while those that become trapped have a much longer residence time. The longest residence time recorded in our experiments is 800 seconds, comparable to the duration of the experiment, and belongs to an emulsion droplet trapped in the medium. The scaling of 〈v〉 with inverse resident time holds for all emulsions that exit the medium, represented by the light color of the symbols in Fig. 7a. The color of the symbols represents the value of the Euclidean distance along the trajectory of the emulsions, defined based on the initial and final locations of each emulsion droplet along its path. The longest Euclidean distance within the 2D porous medium corresponds to the diagonal of the medium (13.2 mm). Interestingly, the scaling of the average velocity is independent of the distribution of the sizes of the emulsions (Exp1, Exp2). Moreover, the longitudinal component of the velocity scales with the residence time similar to those with the average velocity, 〈vx〉 ∼ 1/(resident time). We attribute the 〈vx〉 scaling to the dominance of the longitudinal direction in the transport of emulsions within the medium. The transverse velocity, 〈vy〉, is an order of magnitude smaller than the longitudinal component in these experiments. The average velocities of the emulsions that are permanently trapped in the medium, or those that do not leave the medium for the duration of the experiment, are smaller than the velocities of emulsions of similar residence time that pass through the medium. Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 7, the average velocities of the emulsions that remain within the medium consistently fall below the reference line that encompasses those that pass through it. We observe that droplets with longer Euclidean paths, or equivalently those closer to passing through the medium, are more likely to have an average velocity that approaches the population following the scaling with inverse residence time. Throughout the experiments, we extracted over 6 million positional updates and their corresponding velocities. Therefore, in Fig. 7, we aggregate numerous data points into a single symbol for better visualization. The symbol's size corresponds to the logarithmic scale of the data point count.