With the experimental results displayed in Fig. 6, we validated a mathematical model of forces on polystyrene beads and cells settled at the ALI of a recirculating HDN. Here, we will elaborate on our insights in the fabrication and operation of HDNs designed for cell recirculation. We will also discuss how our results can be transferred to various applications. Finally, we will lay out the implications of our experimental observations and models on ALI modelling strategies.
Insights on fabrication and operation
The phase diagram of Fig. 5e can be used to guide system design based on the application requirements (flow or stagnation of cells). However, even for a non-optimal system, the experimental conditions can be modulated by fine-tuning the operational parameters within specific boundaries.
If cell stagnation is desired through most of the operation of the HDN, a drop aperture of 3 mm or higher is a good choice. Choosing this aperture is preferable due to stagnation being present for h/a ratios above 0.2.
If free cell flow is desired through most of the operation of the HDN, a drop aperture of 1 mm or lower is preferable. Choosing this aperture is preferable due to free flow being present for h/a ratios under 0.4.
For a precise control over cell flow or stagnation, a drop aperture around 2 mm is preferable. This aperture will offer the maximum dynamic range for cell mobility control: working with an h/a ratio between 0 and 0.3 will allow for free cell flow, and an h/a ratio between 0.3 and 0.6 will entail cell stagnation.
Our model provides valuable aids in making design considerations before the fabrication of dedicated HDNs. Careful planning along these guidelines will save time and efforts by reducing the fabrication iterations needed to finalize chip designs through trial and error.
However, even when considering all these parameters, there are challenges that apply to HDNs in general.33 From a practical standpoint, potential fabrication inconsistencies and imperfect experimental chip levelling will have effects on hanging-drop stability. First, fabrication inconsistencies, especially when aligning and bonding multiple layers, could cause drop aperture variations throughout the device. Drop aperture variations could result in a “weak link” within the network, meaning that a misshaped hanging-drop compartment with a higher drop aperture diameter could cause the corresponding liquid drop to crash down. Second, an imperfect levelling could cause a variation in the hydrostatic pressure through the chip. Since the drops are fluidically interconnected within an HDN, pressure equilibrates through all drops. The drop at the lowest level will systematically crash if its h/a ratio reaches 1. Because of such experimental considerations, we recommend limiting the maximal prescribed h/a ratio to 0.6 (black dashed line in Fig. 5e).
Impact on experimental applications
While the above listed recommendations hold for specific, established experimental conditions (8 μm diameter and 1.05 g cm−3-density particles recirculating at 1 μL min−1), our analysis can be repeated for particles of different diameters (d) and volumetric mass densities (ρ), or for different flow rates (Q). Larger particles would have a larger cross-section, leading to higher hydrodynamic forces proportional to their surface area (∝d2), increasing the force that pushes them out of the hanging drop. Larger particles, e.g., large cell aggregates or microtissues, would also have a larger volume, leading to higher gravitational forces proportional to their volumes (∝d3), pushing them to the bottom of the hanging drop. A cubic increase of gravitational forces trumps a quadratic increase of hydrodynamic forces. Therefore, an increase in particle size (for a particle with negative buoyancy) would lead to an increase in stagnation. The downstream location of the stagnation zone is constant for particles of a given size and density, subjected to a given flow rate, in a microfluidic chip of a given drop aperture (see Fig. 5d). However, increasing stagnation (Table 1 first row) would move the stagnation zone down, closer to the bottom of the hanging drop. Conversely, increasing circulation (Table 1 second row) would move the stagnation zone up, downstream in the hanging drop. Ultimately, increasing particle stagnation can be achieved by increasing particle size, particle volumetric mass density, drop height, or drop aperture, or by reducing the flow rate.
Table 1 summarizes how these various parameters affect particle stagnation and circulation. We also comment on the effort needed to change these parameters.
The preceding analysis can also be applied to particles with positive buoyancy, i.e., floating particles, by simply considering an inverted HDN, or standing-drop network.34,35 Neutrally buoyant particles, however, would only be affected by hydrodynamic forces.
Usage in the context of microtissue and immune cell co-culture
During typical experiments, the stagnation area, as evidenced by Fig. 4d and ESI† Video S1, will steadily grow to its maximum steady-state size, as more particles are added into the system. The maximum size is highlighted for a h/a ratio of 0.6 and an aperture diameter of 1 mm in Fig. 5d. Once the stagnation area reaches its maximum size, particles will flow around the stagnation area and through the hanging-drop compartment, which effectively imposes a cap on the number of particles that can reside within the stagnation area. This cap on the number of particles enables simultaneous flow and stagnation of particles. Applying this knowledge to biological applications would allow for a precise control over the size of a stagnating-cell bed at the bottom of hanging-drop compartments. For example, by adding a microtissue in the system to study microtissue–immune cell interaction, the methodology outlined in this paper will enable to dynamically control the ratio of immune cells per microtissue in the system throughout the experiment.
However, our results do not directly translate to microtissue and immune cell co-cultures. The presence of a microtissue in the drop will reduce the flow speed near the bottom of the microtissue. In turn, this flow speed reduction will entail an increase of the stagnation area. Nevertheless, our modelling strategy provides a robust framework to recreate a flow-stagnation phase diagram (Fig. 5e) in the presence of microtissues and cells of various sizes. Such analysis was not conducted, as it was outside the scope of this publication.
Interpretation and context of pseudo-no slip boundaries
The no-slip-like fluidic behaviour observed in this study, as opposed to the expected slip behaviour (ESI† Fig. S1), suggests a fundamental change in how ALIs should be modeled.17,36,37 A medium-dependent boundary condition was not previously considered. The wrong boundary condition can lead to miscalculating flow rates by a factor of two to eight, which, in turn, can cause a large discrepancy between design and experimental operation of microfluidic chips. For microfluidic HDNs that are designed to be operated with cell culture medium, our results suggest verifying that there is a no-slip boundary condition at the ALI to ensure normal chip operation.
Although we show medium dependence of particle behaviour (Fig. 3), we show that particle circulation behaviour at the ALI does not significantly depend on whether the particles are cells or beads (Fig. 6). The similar performance is due to physical interactions (e.g., adsorption, aggregation, rolling, hydrodynamic push) prevailing over biological interactions (e.g., cell–wall interactions, etc.).
Effect of pseudo-no slip boundary on particles
Our TEM and particle flow results (Fig. 7) suggest that the pseudo-no-slip boundary is caused by the complex medium formulation of RPMI-1640, mixed with 10% FBS necessary for the culturing of our cell model. The composition of FBS is difficult to establish and, as our TEM measurements show, it contains several molecules that will aggregate and change ALI behaviour. Simpler medium formulations without a preponderance of micelles should, in principle, help to obviate the pseudo-no-slip boundary, if a slip boundary is required for the biological application.
Additionally, we observed a certain “stickiness” of beads at the ALI with cell culture medium. Combined with our TEM measurements, this observation suggests that, when beads stagnate at the ALI for a long time, they interact with proteins, molecular assemblies, and salts. This interaction leads to a stronger adhesion of beads to the ALI than if they were simply resting at the ALI. However, light tapping breaks this interaction, allowing beads and cells to simply rest at the ALI and follow the expected flow patterns.
Prevalence of the Marangoni effect
Surface tension gradients at an ALI will induce an interfacial flow from regions of low surface tension to regions of high surface tension; this is the so-called Marangoni effect. This interfacial flow can entrain a bulk liquid phase, leading to the more eye-catching examples of the Marangoni effect, e.g., tears of wine,38 or the reversal of coffee-ring deposition.39
Here, we estimate the scale of the Marangoni effect on particle displacement in our device.40 At 37 °C, the surface tension of de-ionized water is 70 mN m−1, whereas that of cell culture medium containing serum (e.g., 10% FBS) is 52 mN m−1.41 We examine the extreme case, where de-ionized water is inserted at the interface of a drop neighbouring a drop of cell culture medium (4.5 mm pitch). In this case, the surface tension gradient would generate a maximum and rapidly decreasing interfacial flow of 0.4 m s−1 from the culture medium to the de-ionized water interfaces.40 However, since we do not directly interact with the interface in the way described by this extreme case, this interfacial velocity is not possible in our system.
Surface tension gradients in our system can arise in two ways: (1) evaporation of the solvent (water) causing localized surfactant (e.g., micelles) upconcentration; and (2) advection and diffusion of surfactants. (1) Solvent evaporation is significantly mitigated by our experimental setup, which reduces the evaporation to less than 10 μL per hour while our system contains 100 to 300 μL. Additionally, solvent evaporation is uniform across the ALI surface. Therefore, evaporation does not induce surface tension gradients. (2) The hanging drop (at most 800 μm height) is hanging from a comparatively thick (500 μm height) bulk of liquid phase. Therefore, any local increase of surfactant concentration on the ALI surface is mitigated by the recirculating bulk of the liquid phase. Due to these mitigating factors, we can determine that surface tension gradients, i.e., the Marangoni effect, in our system are negligible.